If you want to contribute articles about your Helicopter project, pictures of your current project, or any kind of Helicopter related material, home-built only, please
contact our Editor.
                                               click here to;  E-Mail to the Editor

If you would like to Regular Mail your pictures and your Story of building and Flying your Helicopter, send to;     
Home-Built Helicopter World
  3020 Finch Farm Rd.
  Trinity,  North Carolina
Pictures will be returned upon request.

At present we are conducting a Survey to solicit prospective subscribers interested
in our publication,  Home-Built Helicopter World. The start up date is to be determined, contingent on how much participation we can elicit. If you would like to be a part of this Exciting New Publication, we urge you to participate in this Survey.

Click on this button to go to Emdee's Links
to see all of his helicopter sites. You'll be GLAD you did !
Would you be interested in subscribing to Home Built Helicopter World?
Do you have or plan to build a Personal Helicopter?
Will you contribute articles and pictures to be published?
Will you be an active participant in the success of Home Built Helicopter World?
Please use the text area below to give us your comments and to tell us of your Personal interest in contributing articles and info for our New Magazine. And PLEASE PUT YOUR U.S. POSTAL ADDRESS IN THE COMMENT BOX SO WE CAN CONTACT YOU BY MAIL.


Thanks for participating in Our Survey

Your comments are welcomed!

Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.



Your name:

Email address:

Would you subscribe to Our Magazine?

Definitely yes
Not Interested
Send in Articles

What kind of helicopters do you like?

Something Different

How much would you pay for a year's subscription?

Any comments?


Subscription Rates for One Year ......................................$35.00 US
This is for twelve full-color issues with stories and pictures of YOUR Helicopters.
Home Built Helicopter World will be a Full Color publication with most material submitted by you, the home builder. There will be NO Articles on ANY commercial helicopters. Only Amatuer built Heli's.
Help us be a Success. Be a part of Something New and Exciting!

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The Magazine is now being published. To Subscribe please click on the Experimental Helo logo below.
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You'll  be glad you Did!